...here he is...rockin' some red in honor of National Wear Red Day. Yes, it is mostly about women and heart disease, but Caleb is still in great support of the Heart Association and their work in raising awareness of heart disease/issues. :)
Also included is one of our first attempts at starting solid foods! At his 6-month check up the other day, he weighed 13 lbs. 11 ounces. 26 1/2 inches long. Still a peanut, but we love him all the same. He is starting to roll over from tummy to back and is holding his head up with great support. It is not bobbing around near as much anymore! Thankfully he is now old enough to try some solids. So a couple nights ago we tried a little bit of the good 'ole Gerber rice cereal...needless to say, he loved it...but so far it has not loved him. We went to put him to bed that night (an hour or so after his cereal) and he was very restless, he could not get comfortable every time daddy kept trying to lay him down. I guess I will try it during a different time of day and see if it still has the same effect. Here's hoping he is not already "allergic" to something.