Please forgive me for not updating this blog more often! I know there are many out there who keep checking this to see how Caleb is doing...so sorry!
I (Joanna) have been dealing with miserable post-partum issues ever since Caleb was born and it has just continued to get worse over the last couple months. I am scheduled for surgery on 2/7 and would appreciate prayers as I will be recovering from a hysterectomy at that point. I will not be able to care for Caleb anywhere near the capacity that I am used to and that is going to be SO hard for me!! My mom has been up here helping us out that last couple weeks and we are not even to surgery/recovery yet! Please pray for her strength and health as she continues to stay with us and provide some much needed extra hands...not that other grandparents and sisters have not provided lots of help as well! We could all use prayer for strength and good health the next couple weeks. I am becoming more and more useless around here and am just trying to hang on until surgery.
As for Caleb, he continues to be a bright light in our day around here! He smiles and coos at us all the time. If he is not getting enough attention, he will let you know and as soon as you come up to him and say something/give him attention, he immediately smiles and coos. Little stinker. :) He has us wrapped around his little finger already!!
Caleb is starting to roll over from tummy to back and is strengthening those legs as well. He currently weighs 13 lbs. 5 oz. and continues to do well through all of his check ups, including the cardiologist. His oxygen level remains to stay around the mid-80s, so here's hoping they will stay there for a couple more months. He will need his next heart surgery once his oxygen gets down into the 70s. We do not look forward to that day.